Thursday, January 26, 2012

::: #10 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island :::

Hi semua...Last Sunday, aku & my little sister decide nak nangga movie...Seriously, lamak dah ku x menjejakkan kaki ke panggung wayang and movie yang menjadi pilihan mek duak kali tok, "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island"... Sesiapa pernah nangga movie "Journey to the Center of The Earth" harus nangga kesinambungan ceritanya tok...Miak kecik yang berlakon cerita ya dah besarr...Kiut, energetic & handsome...Hooyeahh....

Synopsis: The new journey begins when Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson) receives a coded distress signal from a mysterious island where no island should exist — a place of strange life forms, mountains of gold, deadly volcanoes, and more than one astonishing secret. The secret is rumored to involve Sean's missing grandfather, Alexander Anderson (Michael Caine). Unable to stop him from going, Sean's new stepfather (Dwayne Johnson) joins the quest. Together with a helicopter pilot (Luis Guzman) and his beautiful, strong-willed daughter (Vanessa Hudgens), they set out to find the island, rescue its lone inhabitant and escape before seismic shockwaves force the island under the sea and bury its treasures forever

So, sesiapa berhajat nak nangga cerita and ada rezeki lebih sikit ya, bolehlah nangga cerita tok dalam bentuk 3D.Nang syiokk abis... Bagi aku, cerita tok berbaloi untuk ditonton, best & adventurous... ;)

Journey to the Center of the Earth
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

::: #9 Sesi Menjual Botol Plastik & Tin Aluminium Lagi :::

Hi semua...Bagi sesiapa yg follow blog aku tok (*ada ker urang follow??? hehhe), sudah diketahuan melalui entry-entry ku sebelum tok, yang aku suka glak kumpul botol-botol plastik & tin aluminium untuk dijual. Walopun hasil jualannya bukan memberi angka yang lumayan tapi aku suka. At least something to contribute to our environment.Sabtu lepas aku decide nak jual semua botol-botol plastik & tin-tin aluminium yg dah ku kumpul lebih kurang 3 bulan...So, layanlah gambar-gambar di bawah...Tadaa... of least ada, daripada dibuang macam ya jak kan...
Harga semasa botol plastik & tin aluminium maseh lagik sama daripada tahun lepas, yakni RM0.30 sekilogram bagi botol plastik & RM3.20 sekilogram bagi tin aluminium...Yahhh...ada bunyi kedak penyampai radio yang melaporkan harga semasa sayur-sayuran di pasaran sik? Hihihi...Oklah tata & take care... ;)

Friday, January 20, 2012

::: #8 Happee Chinese New Year...Da Cute Dragons :::

Hoyeahhhh.....Holiday for 4 days yo....So aku nak wish 
Happee Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Chai to those that celebrate it & Happee Holiday Everyone :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

::: #6 Tanjung Batu, Bintulu :::

Hi hi semua....aritok maok share sedikit secubit rasa gamba-gamba sewaktu travelling " Work & Play " di Bintulu last year... dengan Partner In Crime (PIC)... Sik lain x bukan Ms. Lulu... Time tok kmk orang sempat menyelepat ke Tanjung Batu, Bintulu sementara nunggu pelepasan flight mek orang ke Miri menggunakan BAS EXPRESS okayy...hahha...Mek duak pinjam kereta company...Ms. Lulu jadi GPS aku pulak jadi DREBAR...alhamdulillah sampei juak ke destinasi....

Ms. Lulu gigih merakam gambar saya

Tanjung Batu, Bintulu

Nun di kejauhan itu adalah Ms. Lulu

Ms Lulu again as my model

Syiokknya nemu pantei ;)

Ini kasut mun hari-hari pakei boleh mengurangkan diameter paha drumstick ku ;)

Gaya model


Ms. Lulu again

Keramak Tanjung Batu, Bintulu