Wednesday, November 14, 2012

::: #57 Cerita Hari Ini :::

Salam semua,

Tiba-tiba datang rajin maok update blog.

Hari tok macam-macam (*xdalah macam-macam ne, ckit sahaje) cerita rasa nak dikongsi dalam blog tok.

Pertama: Tengahari tadik receive call. Syukur Alhamdulillah. I got new job. Alhamdulillah. Syukur...syukur x terhingga pada  Allah SWT atas rezeki yang x disangka-sangka tok. Walopun aku agak nerves n takut untuk memulakan sesuatu yang baru. But, there always be a first time right?

Kedua: Alhamdulillah. aku dah hantar draft report pada client untuk their review...fuhhh feel relieve a bit. Hope xda banyak gilak komen from them. Amin

Ketiga: Tadik jenjalan di Popular Bookstore, aku telah berjaya merembat majalah RAPI. Macam lamak dah rasanya aku x beli magazine. Aku suka gilak-gilak majalah RAPI tok cause lot of lot of information about health. Al-maklumlah, ai kan dalam proses untuk menguruskan dirik. Tambah-tambah, tajuk kat muka depan yang menarik perhatian aku ialah "Paha makin MEMBESAR, anda perlukan bantuan!!!" yes i need help with my "Drumstick" homaigadddd...bingung asa nyawa ku nong

Keempat: Ai dah ada DIARI 2013 youuu....Ai nang dari zaman MUDAK dolok memang biasa berdiari. Bukannya ada ayat-ayat lemah gemalai pun di dalam ya. Cuma just reminder and to-do list jak. Al-maklumlah memori ai tok ada lemah sikit dalam pengingatan terhadap kerja.

Kelima: Di saat tengah menaip entry tok ai laparrr lah.hehehe

Kbai. Take care.

Yang Menaip,


::: #56 Salam Maal Hijrah :::

Assalammualaikum & good morning semua,

Esok hari, cuti...Yeay alhamdulillah...
Salam Maal Hijrah buat semua...semoga kita dimurahkan rezeki dan berjaya dalam apa yang kita impikan di dunia & akhirat. Amin.

Jangan lupak baca Doa Akhir Tahun & Doa Awal Tahun keyh.

Doa Akhir Tahun

Doa Akhir Tahun dibaca 3 kali pada akhir waktu Asar atau sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib pada akhir bulan Zulhijjah.
Dengan izin Allah, sesiapa yang membaca doa ini akan mendapat Perlindungan Allah SWT dari fitnah dan tipu daya syaitan serta mendapat setahun keampunan dosa yang lalu.


Allah SWT berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat baginda dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.
Wahai Tuhan, apa yang telah aku lakukan dalam tahun ini daripada perkara-perkara yang Engkau tegah daripada aku melakukannya dan aku belum bertaubat daripadanya. Sedangkan Engkau tidak redha dan tidak melupakannya. Dan aku telah melakukannya di dalam keadaan di mana Engkau berupaya untuk menghukumku, tetapi Engkau mengilhamkanku dengan taubat selepas keberanianku melakukan dosa-dosa itu semuanya. Sesungguhnya aku memohon keampunanMu, maka ampunilah aku. Dan tidaklah aku melakukan yang demikian daripada apa yang Engkau redhainya dan Engkau menjanjikanku dengan pahala atas yang sedemikian itu. Maka aku memohon kepadaMu.
Wahai Tuhan! Wahai yang Maha Pemurah! Wahai Yang Maha Agung dan wahai Yang Maha Mulia agar Engkau menerima taubat itu dariku dan janganlah Engkau menghampakan harapanku kepadaMu Wahai Yang Maha Pemurah. Dan Allah berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad, ke atas ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dan mengurniakan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Doa Awal Tahun

Doa Awal Tahun dibaca 3 kali selepas maghrib pada malam 1 Muharram 1433.
Barangsiapa membaca doa ini sebanyak 3 kali selepas solat rowatib ba’diyyah Maghrib pada malam tanggal 1 Muharram, Allah akan memerintahkan 2 malaikat untuk melindunginya daripada fitnah dan tipu daya syaitan selama setahun yang mendatang.


Allah SWT berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat baginda dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.
Wahai Tuhan, Engkaulah yang kekal abadi, yang qadim. yang awal dan ke atas kelebihanMu yang besar dan kemurahanMu yang melimpah dan ini adalah tahun baru yang telah muncul di hadapan kami. Kami memohon pemeliharaan dariMu di sepanjang tahun ini dari syaitan dan pembantu-pembantunya dan tentera-tenteranya dan juga pertolongan terhadap diri yang diperintahkan melakukan kejahatan dan usaha yang mendekatkanku kepadaMu Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Agung dan Maha Mulia.
Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha pengasih dari mereka yang mengasihi dan Allah berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad. Nabi yang ummi dan ke atas ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

::: #55 Tujuh Perkataan Mulia Yang Perlu Diucapkan Setiap Hari :::

Assalammualaikum and good morning semua,
Maseh ketandusan idea nak update blog. So aku just maok share this thing yg aku dpt from FB ;)

Sama-samalah kita mengamalkannya keyh ;)


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

::: #54 Yakinlah :::



Monday, November 5, 2012

::: #53 Inspiring Story :::

Good morning,

Since aku dalam proses mendietkan dirik, aku nak share satu story from Kevin Zahri's website. For me it is inspiring story yang boleh motivate aku untuk loose weight. kindly read the stories below:

Tia Hakim: How I Lost 18 Kilos In 8 Months

All my teenage life I have always been 43-44kgs. When I got married I gained a bit, I was around 46kgs. From then on I started to gain weight consistently until I reached 54kgs. Then I got pregnant and gained 22 freaking kgs which made me 76kgs :O Right after delivery I lost 10kgs (weight of baby, blood, placenta etc). I am now 48-49kgs at 168cm. So this is the journey of how I went from 66kgs to 48kgs.

Post Labor Dilemma

After I gave birth, of course I was really pressured to lose all the baby weight. I wanted to do it right since my priority is my baby and also my health. Taking pills was definitely not an option because I was (still am) nursing my daughter, Alayna, and didn’t want to risk her being affected by whatever it is that I consume. Exercising was also not an option for two reasons:
  1. I hate exercising
  2. I was not physically able to do so because I had a c-section and I needed to rest until the wound was healed. I wasn’t even allowed to move around that much.
Because of the c-section, I was also unable to do what most people do during the confinement period to help them get back in shape: Bengkung (where you put on a corset super tight for at least 20 hours a day). No traditional massages, bertungku, param, pilis and whatnot either. At least not for the first month.
My weight before – 76kg
I did not let those restrictions deter me from my goal. I knew for sure that there were other things I could do to help me shed those kilos. After doing lots of research (and by research I mean google. Damn I love google), I found a viable plan. To lose weight, I needed to: 1. Get rid of access water retention. 2. Get rid of fat in or at unwanted places.

1. So How I Got Rid Of Water Retention?

Simply put, your body needs water to survive and if you don’t drink enough water, your body would get the impression that water supply is scarce so it would retain the water that you consume for rainy days. Which is why a lot of people actually carry water weight.
The water that the body stores contributes to your overall weight and you’d be surprised if you knew how much. So if you start to drink adequate water (approx 3L a day I think), your body would think that hey, looks like water supply is actually abundant, we don’t need to store them, so your body would then get rid of those water that has been kept all this while. INSTANT WEIGHT LOSS =D
…I had to take toilet breaks every 10 minutes … the fastest and most efficient way is from peeing. Takkan la from sweating or crying kan?
I actually found out about this theory a few years ago during my PwC days. I would finish a small bottle of mineral water every hour or two for a week. I had to take toilet breaks every 10 minutes because my body was getting rid of all the excess water that it had been storing and the fastest and most efficient way is from peeing. Takkan la from sweating or crying kan? Lol. I lost 2 kgs by the end of the week.
Knowing that my baby weight was significantly due to water retention, I figured the same rule must apply to women who just gave birth. So I made sure I drank 3-4L water a day. I spread it out so that I drank evenly throughout the day.
A friend of mine wanted to lose weight so I suggested this. She was skeptical at first but then she tried it and it really worked! Although you have to bear in mind that you can only lose a certain amount of weight from doing this because once all the stored water has been discharged, thats it. You won’t lose anymore water weight because you were drinking enough hence your body sees no need to retain water. Get it?
Isn’t God great? Our brains and bodies are so smart!

2. How to Get rid of the fat?

Simple. You wanna lose weight, you gotta trim the fat. If only it’s as easy as it sounds. Well actually, it is IF YOU KNOW THE RULES. Don’t blindly go on a crash diet by skipping meals or things like that. You could be worse off.
It is all about CALORIES. I highly recommend you to buy Kevin Zahri’s e-book, particularly “How to lose 5kgs in 5 weeks” or the Malay version Panduan Kurangkan 5kg 5 Minggu.
I got the all-in-one package which is only rm60 and you get so many other e-books too like 20 Pelan Diet Malaysia examples and how to curb cravings and lots more. I also follow him on twitter @kevinzahri for daily tips. You can even tweet him if you have questions about health and fitness.
eBook Panduan Kurang 5kg 5 Minggu over at
He basically compressed all the information that I found out from days of googling about calories and weight loss in that one e-book, as well as other useful information. Very well explained and detailed. The key is CALORIE DEFICIT. A lot of people don’t realize that to lose 1 pound you need to have a calorie deficit of 3500. Calorie deficit means your calorie INPUT (from eating) has to be less than your calorie OUTPUT (from exercising or consuming less calories than you need). So first you need to know how much calories that YOU need in a day. It depends on your weight and height and a few other factors so each person’s calorie requirement is different. Kevin’s e-book has a comprehensive example on how to calculate that.
From there I started planning my journey. I calculated the total weight that I wanted to lose and I converted it into the amount of calorie deficit and I divided it by the number of days that I was giving myself to lose all the weight. I had to be realistic so I gave myself 60 days I think. The calculation showed that I had to make sure I had approximately 3500 calorie deficit a week, which meant 500 calorie deficit a day.

My 500kcal Per Day Deficit.

So my calorie input has to be 500 less than my calorie output.
The fact that I was nursing Alayna gave me an added advantage because breastfeeding burns around 500 calories a day guys!! Thats equivalent to like 3-4 hours of treadmill session! Say whaaaaaaaaat. My eyes almost popped out when I discovered that fact. I burn 500 calories everyday while lying down hahahahhaha.
My weight now – 48kg in August 2012.
Then I came up with my meal plan. 3 meals a day with 2 snacks. I had to make sure that they do not exceed the number of calories that I was allowed to consume. is an excellent guide to check the amount of calories in Malaysian food. They have a really extensive list.
  • My breakfast usually consisted of egg whites, a slice of bread, jam and water.
  • For lunch I would still have rice and lauk. But I made sure that the portion of my rice was really small. And I mean REALLY small. Like, 3-4 spoons only.
  • For dinner, I pretty much ate Subway sandwiches because he always tapau food for me on the way home from work and Subway was the easiest and one of the healthiest options. You can get a brochure from Subway where they list out the subs that they have and the number of calories for each type. I always get the turkey slice, no cheese and BBQ sauce only. You can eat anything really, just make sure that it’s within the calorie budget and try not to eat fried food etc.
  • For snacks, I would have yogurts or fruits or cheese and crackers.
See? There is no need to starve yourself. There’s a lot that you can actually eat on a restricted calorie diet. I was eating 5 times a day and I was okay. Before all this, I used to eat like an unrestrained pig. I eat even when I wasn’t hungry. But after 2 months of healthy eating, I got so used to eating smaller portions that I just can’t eat as much as I could before anymore.
There is no need to starve yourself. There’s a lot that you can actually eat on a restricted calorie diet. I was eating 5 times a day and I was okay.
Sure enough, by drinking lots of water and watching my calorie deficit, I started to steadily lose weight until I finally reached my target! I was so amazed. Losing weight is definitely not rocket science. IT’S JUST MATH =D

Other things worth mentioning are:

  • I would drink water before I have my meals so that I wouldn’t have to eat so much to feel full
  • I drink plenty of water throughout the day to curb hunger in between meals and snacks.
  • Absolutely no fast food and carbonated drinks or any sugared drinks for that matter.
  • I sometimes cheat a bit by having a small serving of ice cream or a chocolate bar. I mean yeah I wanted to lose weight but I was not going to totally deprive myself from little indulgences. I think once in a while its’ ok otherwise you would go cuckoo.
  • I started wearing bengkung a month after delivery. Not sure if that contributed because I had started to lose weight even before that by practising healthier eating habit and even after I started wearing bengkung, I still lost weight at the same pace. I wore it mainly to support my tummy so that the wound would hurt less when I move about.
  • I only had 5 or 6 sessions of traditional massage, tungku, palas, pilis etc.
  • I took Nona Roguy phytonatal pills which are meant to be taken by moms during confinement period. Thats the only supplement that I took and it is not for weight loss, it is for internal health and to help bowel movement.
I think that’s all. If I remember anything else I will update this post.
I personally don’t believe in taking slimming pills. There are too many risks associated with them. I think supplements or meal replacements are ok but you still have to watch what you eat. And please don’t starve yourself. Yes you will lose weight but it will also slow down your metabolism which means that when you start eating again you’d gain weight faster. Eat smaller portions but more frequently. That way your metabolism will keep going. Don’t take short cuts, do it right. It’s not just about reaching your target weight, it’s also about staying healthy doing so.
Good luck guys! Hope this helps. If you have any questions/requests email me at or visit my blog at Someone requested that I do a tutorial on my skincare/makeup routine. It’s on the way, will keep you guys posted:)
Tia Hakim

*aku pun terus follow blog Tia Hakim* ;) 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

::: #51 Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha :::

Hi semua,

Di kesempatan tok, aku ingin mengucapkan selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha buat semua rakan-rakan Muslim ku.

Hari Raya Haji kali tok aku and family akan beraya di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Esok aku dah start cuti. Yeeehuu. Walopun pergi hanya sekejap but I am too excited. Sebab dah lamk x bercuti dengan family. Semoga semua yang dirancang berjalan dengan lancar. Amin Ya Rabbalalamin.

Arimarek aku ada nerimak a gift from Tang's Art. a gift daripada Dot2Dot programme by Tang's Art. So next update, kelak aku update apa yang aku dapat dari cdak keyh. Till next post bubbye.


Monday, October 22, 2012

::: #50 Yummy Pizza & Lasagna @ Sky Cafe Kuching :::

Hi semua,

Ari marek buat pertama kalinya aku mencemar duli ke Sky Cafe Kuching. Fes time uuu. Salu dengar urang Kuching heboh pasal Sky Cafe tapi aku x tauk cne tempatnya. Dah namanya fes time haruslah kita encoba yang rare di sia. Tapi, kesudahannya beef pizzanya juak ku rembat ku. Yarabiiiiii senah, jemaah & kiah, nang nyaman beef pizza nya koh. Xda arum bulak ka apa, nang nyaman. Harus ditry. Bagi aku, nyaman dari pizza hut. So orang Kuching jum rami-rami ta nyerbu ke sia k. *urang lain lamak dah nyerbu, aku jak baruk tauk. hahaha* . Tadik masa lunch pun pergi ke ctok juak. Maseh terasa rasa lasagna di rongga mulut ku tok ;)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

::: #47 Kunci Kereta Pun Maok Berdrama Juak :::

Hi semua,

Tadik masa nak gi lunch, kunci kereta ku pulak molah hal...Aduhai...Cney ada tempat ngato bendalah tok ka di Kuching tok...Sabar sajalah...Nasib bait still dapat dipake...

::: #46 Myanees Choc Cake :::

Good Morning semua,

Pagi tadik before pergi kerja, sempat juak menyelepat ke Petronas berdekatan Taman Hussein. Maok carik barang pake kenyap-kenyap untuk breakfast. Then, dekat suatu sudut ya, ada dijual Homemade Cake. Aku apa gik...asal namanya berkait rapat dengan coklat, haruslah dicuba nak...Hilang ingatan sebentar tentang diet n segala. Rasanya, woooooowwwwwwww. Layanlah beberapa keping gambar yang sempat aku snap tok. Harga sekontena RM5. Tapi berbaloi-baloi dengan packaging and rasanya. Silalah try k.

Psst: Kepada pembuat homemade cake tok, ada komisyen sik pake kmk tolong promote homemade cake ktk tok? hehehe. *Just kidding*

Thursday, September 13, 2012

::: #43 Saya Ke Lawas Okayy :::

Hi Semua,

Yah bila mood saya tok dah rajin nak update blog, sampe kesekian tiga kalinya akak update okay....Ramadhan lepas, saya ke Lawas, Sarawak atas urusan kereja. Fes time saya menjejakkan kaki ke bumi Lawas (*yahhh palitt tanah ke daie cepattt)...Kecik n tenang ajak tempatnya....Kali tok urusan kerja telah membawa kami (*ayat skema seyyy) ke Palm Oil Mill....

Before that, flight saya n partner in crime saya ms Lulu ke Miri terlebeh dahulu dari kuching, then ambik connecting flight dr Miri ke Lawas. Sesampe di sia telinga akak pekakkkkk kedua-duanya okayyy...Ya Rabbi...sabar jaklah....client kakar pun dengar sik dengar jak....then terus memulakan tugas....

Sekejap jak kerja kmk duak setengah hari jak (*sengaja tak duak ya ngabis cepat, sebab nya duak ya nak berjalan hahaha). Then, mintak tolong client turunkan dekat pasarnya. So as usual, explorelah kmk duak Bandar Lawas ya. singgah di pasar beli ole-ole sikit. aku sempat menyembat garam bukit and ikan tahai bersambal....seyes sedap ikan tahai bersambal ya...nyesal indah aku x beli banyak-banyak. Xpa ada rezeki pergi Lawas lagik, ku sempat banyak-banyak.

Times up. kmk duak pun terus bergegas ke epot. Dari pasar Lawas ke epotnya dekat sahaja. x sampe 10 menet. Epotnya macam epot di Mukah.kecik saja. Tapi di bandar Lawas ya agak susah ckit untuk dapatkan teksi. Kenak tunggulah.

Itu saja update ku...sila lah layan gamba-gamba di bawah ;)

At Palm Oil Mill

At Pekan Lawas

At Lawas Airport

::: #42 Meow Pun Receive Kad Raya :::

Haaa...Jangan jeles meow pun dapat kad raya (*aku sorang jak yang jeles sebenarnya). Ramadhan lepas, seperti tahun-tahun sebelom tok, primavet akan hantar kad raya kepada "meow-meow" yang pernah mendapat perkhidmatan di Primavet termasuklah meow ku, Cik Julie.

Tiba-tiba asa rindu indah...sebab masa zaman sekolah, zaman matrik n zaman u memang satu tradisi lah berik kad raya dengan kawan-kawan and terimak balit kad raya dari cdak...Kinek tok semuanya di hujung jari ajak...Nang canggih. tapi xpalah janji Hari Raya kita  raikan and peluang untuk kita bermaaf-maafan...peace peace kacang peas...

::: #41 26 Syawal :::

Hi semua,

Maaf sebab lamak dah sik update blog. Sikda masa n busy since Ramadhan yang lepas. Ada macam-macam cerita tapi sikda kesempatan untuk ditampalkan dekat blog. Lepas tok, saya blogkan satu-satu cerita k. 

Di kesempatan tok, saya maok mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Maaf Zahir & Batin kepada semua rakan-rakan yang mengenali diri tok. Maaf ke atas segala kesilapan yang saya pernah lakukan...Peace peace kacang peas... ;)

Monday, July 9, 2012

::: #40 Sesi Menjual Lagi :::

Hi semua, 

Ari marek, hati dah x tahan lagik nangga kotak udah penuh dengan botol-botol plastic. So, akupun decide nak jualnya. So jualan kali tok, aku beroleh RM2.40 ajak. Harga semasa jualan botol plastic and aluminium can maseh sama seperti sebelom tok, yakni RM0.30 per kg untuk botol plastic and RM2.70 per kg untuk aluminium can. Jum sama-sama kita kumpul benda yang boleh direcycle and jual. Its not just you make a profit (*even though just a little profit) but you also can contribute towards our environment.