Salam bersiaran semua....lamak dah x update blog...tiba-tiba, dalam kebizian pande teringin nak update blog... A lot of things happened to me...yalah i've no time to think about the things to blog about...Untuk makluman (*iyerrr) my Mr. Pika @ka my car rosak...dah sebulan dah aku x berKUDA BESI...kerosakan yang dihadapi ialah MR. GEAR BOX....can u imagine the complex thing and for me salah satu PANCAINDERA (NADI) terpenting dalam kereta ROSAK.....AIYOYO...i felt so down and at the same time feel a bit funny cause BENDA YANG X IDUP...bilanya BEROLAH boleh meng"affect" EMOSI human being like me....Sabar jak aku....
Mr. Pika totally xpat bergerak (lumpuh)...Then risik punya risik dapatlah harga gear box yang paling murah....which cost me RM3500 (Oh my Allah, that money i can spend n waste for one day if you drop me at The Spring..i tell you) gear box ya recon only...mun original daripada KIA, it will cost approximately RM10 k (*baguz pake kawen atau pergi umrah kan)...
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Mine one is red in color |
Then, at this time, my Mr. Pika tersadai di bengkel...According to Tauke bengkel ya..kereta aku kereta ke4 Naza Suria yang nya ator..semua problem yang sama...Gear Box...
Aduhai, kinek tok aku rasa ALLERGIC gilak-gilak bila nangga kereta Naza Suria di jalanan....Seriously, anyone yang interested and plan to buy this advice is SUPER DUPER think carefully and wisely....However, the choice is in your hand
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My Wishlist |
After everything settle and stable, i plan to let go this car and get a MYVI ;)..InsyaAllah...