Thursday, April 29, 2010

::: Chicken Wings - Its Dangerous. Chemmni tukk??? :::

Salam Bersiaran...entry copy & tampal lagik...
tok email ku terimak dr collegue ku...
lalulah takut2 jak maok makan sayap manok...
tapi yalah faveret part aku...
aduh duh duh....
mun KFC, order snack plate..kompom maok duak2 bahagian sayap manok dibedal...
x tauklah berapa igek dah sayap manok dalam perut tok..
(imagine sayap manok lam perut tok)
cheh ngutik jak..xdalah sampe tulang2 ya di telan sekali..hehehe
oklah silalh baca entry tok ea..

Avoid eating chicken wings frequently - ladies, especially; a true story...! 

A friend of mine recently had a growth in her womb and she underwent an operation to remove the cyst removed was filled with a dark colored blood. She thought that she would
be recovered after the surgery but! she was terribly wrong. 

down to her gynecologist for a consultation.

During her consultation, her doctor asked her a question that puzzled
her. He ask if she was a frequent consumer of chicken wings and she replied yes wondering as to how, he knew of her eating habits.
You see, the truth is in this modern day and age; chickens are injected with steroids to accelerate their growth so that the needs of this society can be met. This need is none other than the need for food.

cyst in the womb. Therefore, I advise the people out there to watch
their diets and to lower their frequency of consumingchicken wings!

Yah harusslah kita ngurang mkn sayap/kepak/wings manok tok...


  1. nginang manok dikpun jak eh. makan manok rah luar nun, nang x sehat. sakit kelak.

    tp gne gaya

    nyaman :(

  2. kan....hehe bagus nginang dirikpun malang nya xda tempat..heheh
    i love chiken wings...

  3. Aaa... Harus berenti makan chicken wing kaktok... *mulut kunyap2 ngn chicken wing*

  4. hahha the seduction of chicken wing...chicken wing ayam panggang kat ket's kitchen matang...sodappp...

  5. hurmm, masak dikpun jak...

    makan ikan goreng...

    *pejam mata pejam mata, ingat rasa ciken wing, ammmmm**

    yeah, bjaya eksen2 makan ciken wing waima dlm mulut ikan goreng...

  6. ehh. ktk enginiyor padu. sne keja? kch ka? :D

  7. haha gialah kononnya..keja di srwk aje...

  8. on the way ke srwk?..hehhe bukan nang urg srwk ka?...hikhik


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