Monday, July 19, 2010

::: Uhu Ngantoknya :::

Salam bersiaran....
ohooooooo oiiii...bak kata M. daud Kilau...
wallauuu lamak bena ku x update block...xda cita menarik tertarik kau memang da bommmm nak dikongsi....
at this moment aku nang lah tengh ngantuk bangat...ditambah2 cuaca yg sepoi bahasa n teratai layu di tasik madu..tok boleh titon tok...
eh tak org pernah sik diat cita tok..drama bersiri dr filipin...
namanya ialah

Synopsis cita tok mcm tok
Source: uncle wikipedia

The story of Dyesebel begins when an amnesiac mermaid-turned-human named Lucia (Jean Garcia) fell in love with a human. They got married and had a beautiful baby, but instead of human baby she delivered a mermaid. The child is called "Dyesebel" (Marian Rivera). Although surprised by their daughter's strange form, Lucia and her husband Tino (Wendell Ramos) promise to love their child no matter what.
But in no time at all, their neighbors discovered the couple's secret. When the community is hit with a series of catastrophes, the town believes that the anomaly is caused by Dyesebel; an accusation that leads to Tino's death and Lucia to offer her only daughter to the sea, where she would belong.
Unknown to Lucia is that in the heart of the sea, Dyesebel's adventures and misfortunes will begin. It is within the confines of the waters that Dyesebel will lead a new life-a journey that would take her to the depths of the sea, as well as to chaos of the city. Dyesebel discovers that she can also be a human being by visiting Amafura (Rufa Mae Quinto) to get a secret necklace which makes her a human; but a price must be made, for her to sacrifice her true possession, in order to gain something special.

Menarikk nak cita tok..sapa2 yg dok kat umah ya nya main kat Astro Prima kol 8.30 AM till 9.30 AM setiap hari..
aselehe betolllah aku hanya dapat nongkrong cita tok weekend jak..
aseleheeee ...

aduhai cantekkk eh.....aku mok juak kacak kedak nya hehhe (perasan)


  1. Suke mek cita tok. Tapi sejak diam di ulu lu x dapat nak tengok... da TV1 ngan Tv 2 jak oii.. Huu... Sadis da jak...

  2. heheh saba bebenanyak..k..mun ekot kmk pun aura dan firasat ktk tok cekgu..hehhe...mudahan cpeat2 dpt pindah di tmpt yg diingini..hehhe

  3. aih...kmk tok giklah...bruk tauk cerita...even mek diam kat kuching ya..ahhahhaha..umah mek xda astro bah..owh..tedah....sedih ngenang drk...

  4. heheh jangn padah gia..mun da rezeki ktk pasang k..gikpun..spring tiap2 ari ada urg promote astro..lmk ne kita nyeberang ngagak cdak..isik borang..ambik basic package..murah punya....

  5. malas mek nak masang astro kat umah mek..mek x salu tgk tv juak bah...huuhuhuhu


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