Friday, January 7, 2011

::: No Idea :::

Salam bersiaran semua...
I've no idea at all to update my blog..but I wanna share this quote....

keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground 
-theodore roosevelt-

Be practical as well as generous in your ideals
P/s: Mun salah meaning, shaya tidak bersalah...heheh..source is from internet...


  1. asa bc thought of the day d anta oleh admin mek ari2...hehehe..

  2. haha xda idea bah ko..lalu tek godek2 carik kata2 mutiara hehehe

  3. tok mek merik idea ngan kitak.. ehehe...

    hafiz ex peserta program kamek.. hehe...

    malam sok mekrang polah gathering k blogger kuching n sawak blogger yang ada kat kuching.. kat ileq2 cafe kat reservoir park dalam kol 8 malam.. jum2... sabtu malam o... 8 januari.. jemput oo.... =)bak deng tak sali.. hihi

  4. Mek sikda idea juak koh. Tapi coba jak la carik idea. Ya lah mala jak mek melungak langit pas ya nangga kaki juak yerRRrr...

  5. Amni: morning amni...huhu kmk bok baca comment ktk tok koh....huhu..sori dah lepas dah gathering ya owh..mcm ne? x?..heheh...

    F n F: hehe best juak cara ktk carik idea ya hehe

  6. Salam,Kak Vee@Mrs.Nurulazmi tok. tok blog baru kak lamak ( deactivate...jadi jemput berziarah ke blog baru kak vee..k =)

  7. Wasalam kak vee...hehe aok lak kmk berjarah di blog ktk hehhe


Thank you in advance for ur comments