Monday, January 17, 2011

::: Trap in Lift :::

What to do when you are trapped in a lift ???

We never know when and where accidents will happen to us OR people around us. Read on and hope this piece of information may help any of us when things do happen to yourself, our friends and our loved ones.

One day, while in a lift, it suddenly broke down and it was falling from level 13 at a fast speed. Fortunately, I remembered watching a TV program that taught you must quickly press all the buttons for all the levels.

Finally, the lift stopped at the 5th level.

When you are facing life and death situations, whatever decisions or actions you make decides your survival.

If you are caught in a lift breakdown, first thought in mind may be 'waiting to die'...
But after reading below, things will definitely be different the next time you are caught in a lift...

First - Quickly press all the different levels of buttons in the lift.
When the emergency electricity supply is being activated, it will stop the lift from falling further.

Second - Hold on tight to the handle (if there is any).
It is to support your position and prevent you from falling or getting hurt when you lost your balance.

Third - Lean your back and head against the wall forming a straight line.
Leaning against the wall is to use it as a support for your back/spine as protection.

Fourth - Bend your knees
Ligament is a flexible, connective tissue. Thus, the impact of fractured bones will be minimised during fall. 

Source: E-mail


  1. thanks for the info..gia padu..ingt dpt peluk org..yerrr...hahaha

  2. ya dpt juak vivi...tpi mesti make sure..bila nait lift jak kta mesti ngembak deng masing2 hehe

  3. bagus tips tuk...kak vee sik tauk juak supposely tekan semua button mun tetiba lift ya gugok laju...
    kak vee penah sekali terperangkap dlm lift..sdg lift nait, tetiba black out indah..n lift ya pun berenti seketika...dah la dlm lift ya kedak sadin kuantiti manusia nya..semua aroma harum segar hangat hangit..semua nya bercampur kedak rojak..paling sadis, ada sorang minah ngembak bungkusan sampah busuk beraek-aek gik ya..semua org bisin n tertukuk2 pintu lift mintak tolong..nasib bait dlm 5 minit ajak, mun 5 jam..maok kmk orang game over entam bau busuk dlm lift ya...=).

  4. hehe lucunya pengalamn ktk ya ka vee..senyum singit sorang2 kmk kat ctok..mun kmk in ur shoes pun mesti rasa gelik ya lebih gik dr rasa panik trap dlm lift...papapun nang menakutkan mun trap dlm tauk tiba2 nok warna putih rambut panjang muncul dr atas lift ka apa...eee ngutikk...

  5. lom penah gk hrp sikdala.mun ada pun akan kmk coba praktikkan. Ktk ka yg trap ya? Huhu ngutik mun fall in a faster speed than usual.

  6. uikhs.... sik mek terpk tek ko.. kamek tek dah mejin bila maca topis ktk.. trapped in the lift...

    kamek dah mejin trap dengan sapa2 yang handsome ka... best ehh..

    mejin trapped dengan fahrin ahmad ka... camney ya... sik la terpk sampey tahap lain... iskh2...

  7. Ztie: so far syukur kmk x pernah trap dlm lift..mintak jauhlah...kmk takut koh....mcm ngutik jak dlm lift ya..heheh

    kak kembhoja: hehe kmk maok trap dgn shamsul yussof jak..hehhehe aduh gatalnya aku..mentang2 pas nangga cita khurafat...heheh

  8. yahhh.... ada nak sa kenak geletek ati tek bila dengar asa mauk trapped dengan artis.. huahuahua....

    best kah ceta khurafat ya. kamek mauk nangga ceta ya.. tapi memang sentiasa ada tapi... anak juak yang jadi tapi ya.. mun fahrin ahmad berlakon tek... sanggup kamek upah laki mek jaga. hahahah....

  9. bolehlah cita ya kak..utk hiburan hhehe..diat jangn x diat mun da masa k...


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