Thursday, February 17, 2011

::: Have you Met the Parents? :::

Remember whenever there is any festive near the corner, one commercial ad we definitely hope for would always be from Petronas. This year, making us Malaysian proud again, Petronas wishes you a Happy Chinese New Year with this touching ad - Remember, your parents is what you are today, be grateful to them by spending more time with them. You can also have a fun play with the game too! Remind how precious parents are with your friends by sharing it! Share this with your family and friends today. Campaign ends on February 27, 2011


  1. cayak sik kamek belum nangga iklan tok. iskh2... semenjak duak menjak tok nang sik ada la nangga TV glak... hmmmm...

    apa macam...? ada kemajuan kah churp2 kitak?

  2. ada kemajuan dah kak kemboja ya kmk syukk glak heheh..walopun x banyak tapi adalah olehnya....

  3. KMk lom pass gik ngn churp2 tok... Polah tutorial lenkali...

  4. amirfx...nya tok kedak nuffnang just that kita perlu publish..every click ktk akan dapat juaklah...mun x clap mek..


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