Thursday, March 17, 2011

::: Beezee Da Bee :::

Salam bersiaran semua...
Tika tok saya sedang membaca dengan tekun...
tetapi x dpt fokus koh...
sejak aher2 tok saya beezee da bee....

then saya menjangkakan start next week till may or june kami sangat2 bz..
hopefully i am not too tense and i can control the stress...
at this moment i wish I can have extra hands....
*your wish lah fareeza*

then i feel like i need a vacation but..

*where is your kaching $$ fareeza?*

owh my diet process still jalan but the result seems so slow...
iyalah natural diet process maaaa..
I am not taking any pil pelangsing or what so ever...
it just that i am implementing my own diet plan which is 
food counting...
*not calories counting*
I feel like calories counting is kind of hard for me coz i cant remember the calory for each food that i take...
thus i just remeber how many types of food that i take and its quantity per day....
thats all.....
so far saya dapat merasakan kekurangan kembung perut saya...which saya rasa glad sikit lah....
then, saya banyak consume aik suam juak....
selain ya before going to bed saya polah seat up sebanyak 50 kali....
 my due date to lose weight is before 30 August 2011 cheng cheng...
Hara Raya tu......

*dapat nak kah x owh*
hehe oklah sekian sahaja, tq, tata n take k semua...
sambung kerja lok....


  1. caiyok2...sebelom raya hoo..hehehee..

    ktk nang salu bz la..mun kmk alu gila..huhuhu..xtahan keja byk glak..

  2. hehe caiyok2...aok bz the bee tapi kadang2 sempat juak nyelepat bermain2...heheh


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